Acting Theatre - various community theatres and community colleges

Cabaret - Herr Schulz  

The Imaginary Invalid - Argan
The Secret Garden - Ben

The Sound of Music - Franz
Jake’s Women - Jake
Mind Games - Dr. Harriman
To Gillian on her 37th Birthday -  Paul
A Feminine Ending - David
Greater Tuna series (3 of 4 plays) - Thurston + 9 more
Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me - Edward
Lucky Me - Tom
Rosencrantz Gildenstern are Dead - Alfred + chorus
Motorcycle MacBeth - McDuff 
One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest - McMurphy
Anything Goes - Moonface Martin
He Who Get’s Slapped - He
Lunch Hour - Oliver
Annie - Rooster


Best lead actor in a drama (Jake’s Women)

Best supporting actor in a Drama (To Gillian on Her 31st Birthday)

Best lead actor in a drama (Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me)

Best lead actor in a comedy (Lucky Me)

Best supporting actor in a comedy (Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead)

Best lead actor in a drama (One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest)